(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello! I have just registered for the community and would welcome any thoughts on Route 66 trip which I am considering. Thanks!
Mick W
  • (Member)
Did it last year, was good but very hectic which is expected if you want to see everything. As long as you don't mind living out of a suitcase for a fortnight its well worth doing. It was my 3rd touring hol with JY (have done other types hols aswell) and I'll be doing the National Parks later this year.

You really do see much more on these type of holidays.

  • (Member)
Welcome to you

I know this has been a very popular tour I have not been on it. I am sure someone who has been will leave you a reply...


  • (Member)
Howdy Cowboy! I suggest you look at the reviews section for info. Hope you book and have a great time!
