Following on from advice from Mick about carrying cash whilst travelling, make sure you do not leave any cash or important documents like passports in the carry on luggage but keep it with you at all the times. I have heard of stories of cash and passports being stolen from the plane by fellow passengers. It happened to one of my ex-boss's daughter while she was on a back packing holiday and on her way to Australia. She had left the cash and passport in the back pack. I always keep mine in the bag which goes across my body and is with me at all times!
I would not wish to disagree with your warnings, Jaya, based on third-party anecdotes though! Perhaps I should clarify my own view a little.
I referred to using a “shoulder-bag” for this last short trip to Poland. In fact, it is a laptop bag with a zipped compartment beneath the full-size overall flap which covers it and clicks into a catch thingie. Not a students’-type bag with a pull-together strung top! Given its size, it was down by my feet, so I “had it with me at all times”.
But better still, on a longer journey, I would have a proper, full-size carry-on case in which my cash-stuffed envelope would be placed in an opaque pocket zipped up inside the double-zipped-up case!
I defy anyone to attempt to raid my easily-identifiable case which would require careful removal from the fully-loaded cabin-locker above, always within my vision. Admittedly, I might attempt to doze on a long-haul flight but I still defy anyone to take such a risk of burgling my baggage, but a risk I am prepared to take of someone doing.
Mike ( – not Mick, please!! 🙂 )