penny carter
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am booked on the trip to Dubai on February 12th and I'm interested in doing the desert safari. I know it has to be booked in the resort but can you give me a rough idea of cost to help budget please? There is no indication either in the brochure, on the website or in my final documents.

Many thanks


  • (Member)
Hi Penny

As a former Dubai resident, I can highly recommend a trip out to the desert. It was always one of my favourite things to do, sitting on the dunes and watching the sun go down.

From a cost point of view it is approximately £85.

Enjoy your trip, the weather will be perfect. Make sure you take a light jacket with you to the desert as it can get very cold in the evening.

Kind regards


  • (Member)
Hi Penny

I am on this trip too flying from Birmingham.  Look forward to meeting you.


penny carter
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Many thanks for the info Matt and looking forward to meeting you Jonah. I am flying from Heathrow.




Regarding the Desert safari, Could you give me/us the cost in dirham? As this has to be booked locally I presume that the guide want paying local currency in rather than pounds. I would rather have that money set aside before I travel.

Many thanks


Hi Chris,

In Dirham the cost is 409.65.

Many thanks,


TM Caroline
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Chris,

In Dirham the cost is 409.65.

Many thanks,


I am the Tour Manager for the above tour.  The Dirham Cost above is incorrect.

Optional excursions must be paid for in cash. Payment can be made in £ Sterling, US $ and in the local currency AED.


Desert Safari.  £85, $118 US, 440 or AED.


Abu Dhabi.     £62, $86, or 315 AED.


I look forward to seeing you next week.


Caroline Godfrey

Tour Manager.

  • (Member)