  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

Back in September of last year I posted a review of my first ever JY trip - "Highlights of Tuscany", which I see has over 2000 views.

When you do a review, is it possible to post photos of the trip, which might be of interest to anyone thinking of going on the same trip.

If so, how do you post?

Not very computer literate re these things.


  • (Member)
Hi Douglas,

Sadly, at the moment members aren't able to upload holiday photos into the community. It is something that will be coming in the future (but this is still some time away)

If you would like to share your photos, we can create an album on our Facebook page for you and then link to the album from the Community. If this is something you would like to do, you simply need to send a few of your pictures to

Kindest regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Julia' wrote:

Hi Douglas,

Sadly, at the moment members aren't able to upload holiday photos into the community. It is something that will be coming in the future (but this is still some time away)

If you would like to share your photos, we can create an album on our Facebook page for you and then link to the album from the Community. If this is something you would like to do, you simply need to send a few of your pictures to

Kindest regards,


Hi, Julia

Thanks for this info. Have never seen a Facebook page (or Twitter) - must be an age thing!!

Kind regards,



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