  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

I am new to Justyou having only done the Wimbledon Weekend 2005 which I enjoyed very much. Is there anyone going on the Classic Cities of Italy departure 14 September 2006 and also the get together at Gatwick on the 13 September. I am apprehensive but excited with this new adventure and wondered if anyone else feels the same. It would be nice to know who else will be on this holiday.

Sue L
  • (Member)
Hi Rita,

I'm booked onto the Classic cites of Italy departing 14th september although I'm not staying at Gatwick the night before. This is my first holiday on my own so like you I'm a bit excited and a bit nervous. I think I'll be ok once I get to the airport and spot some Just You luggage labels. I've come to the conclusion that the worst that can happen is that I get to see some amazing places in Italy and the best that can happen is that I see all those places and make some new friends, so it seems to be a win win situation. Look forward to meeting you on the 14th

  • (Member)
Hi Rita and Susan

I am also going on this trip on the same departure day. I have booked the pre-tour stay so look forward to meeting you then Rita. This is also my first solo trip and I'm feeling a little apprehensive, but looking forward to a great holiday and seeing the places I have always wanted to see.

See you both next week.


Sue L
  • (Member)
Hi Dawn and Rita.

Nice to hear that there are at least 3 of us going next week. I must admit that I'm really looking forward to the trip, especially as there are now 2 people whose names I know. Have either of you ever been to Italy before?


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Susan & Dawn,

Great to hear from you both. It feels good to have some contact. No I have not been to Italy before apart from when I landed at Turin on my way to France. Dawn I look forward to meeting you at the Get Together Dinner and meeting you Susan at the airport. Only a few days now. Cant't wait!!!!!


Rita my name is Sue I am on my first holiday with JY and am interested in the get together dinner your talking about. I am staying in gatwick on the Wed night before travel and would love to meet people before. Sue