Hi Ladies,

I just hope you 3 never frightened all the lions away on the safari

All the best Andy

(Member) (Topic Starter)
Well I see we have a new visitor Hello Andy ?? we hav'nt been on the safari yet so how can we frighten the lions ??there will be 2 of us and we can't wait to go, but we have a long wait til' Sept have u been??It does'nt matter where I go or what I do I always have fun,life is for living and smiling and having fun, no time for misery and moaning!! otherwise why bother going?? Anyway take care and I will report back no doubt on my return. Regards Rosemary
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Dear Sharon

Hope you are well and looking forward to your visit to Scotland.I have an idea what you could do to earn extra money but i better not print it.Well let us know if you to Russia and Me and Cindy will most definitely come along.I am off to Blackpool soon for my keep fit week next month,still battling with keeping the weight off.You see we have a new member to our team ?? Andy ?? Anyway will speak again soon take care.

Love Rosemary x x

  • (Member)
Sharon..I do hope you can get to go to Russia to use your sppech on them out there, you might find a YOUNG man. When you off on your travels to Scotland?. What part you going to, I have a few contact up there throught the Navy.

Rosemary..Well, the weeks are flying past, I think we shall have a good time, just hope they allow all your lippy on the flight.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sharon,

Just to let u know I have booked a little cheap trip to Scotland in June.I am going Gretna Green and the Lakes Windermere etc. only 5 days but I needed something, I cant wait all that time for Safari with no other holiday. I hope you and the family are all ok and not causing you toomuch trouble.

Take Care speak soon.

Love Rosemary.

Dear Rosemary,

I hope you have a good trip to Scotland - presumably you're flying there? I go in July to Fort William so there's no chance of running into you up there! You can give me plenty of advice when you get back.

Hi Cindy,

I hope all is well. Have you managed to slip in a little extra holiday? Do either of you fancy the all-inclusive trip to Bulgaria next year? It looks interesting and I don't think they're 'in the euro' so prices shouldn't be too high.

How's Myla Rose? Less trouble than the off-spring I suspect!


  • (Member)
Hi Sharon....

I have the family all inclusive in Ibiza June Booked and Rosemary Safari Sept ..thats it !!! had Ian off for two weeks at home..drove me mad, doing house stuff so NOT exciting..we did take little one to Urban Farm and swimming so funny. I shall have a litte look at Bulgaria, and get back to you, How are the children??!! still driving you up the wall.xxxxxx

Cindy xx

  • (Member)

Is this holiday code sebul 8 days Black Sea Riviera.....when would you be thinking of going?? as the dates in book and computer only go up to end of 2010???, I have had a look and I am up for it, if you think you can handle another trip with me .!!!!!!!!Just let me know when you have a more fixed idea??


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello friends

I am up for anything, I have not been to Bulgaria (wonders will never cease)but I hope we are looking after April 2011 cos I have no hols left till then .I was quite surprised Sharon that you even wanted to spend another holiday with me ??? haha

Well speak soon and let me know Take care x x

(Member) (Topic Starter)

Forgot to tell you ,I am coaching it to Scotland ( I said a cheapie),Anyway we will speak soon.All systems go for 2011 watch out "Bulgaria2 we're on our way,thought about May ?? let me know. Love Rosemary x x

Dear Rosemary & Cindy,

Yes, I think the Bulgaria trip is the one you have seen Cindy. I was thinking of May 2011 when it's not too hot and it will also give us all time to save up. If that's too close to Rosemary's April trip September would probably be okay. I'm assuming they will run the trip next year.

I've just returned from the annual Queen Convention in Great Yarmouth so am a little worse for wear/feel like lying down but can't because I'm at work.


  • (Member)

We will we will ROCK YOU!!!!!!! or someting like that...bet you had a great time...

Yes all sounds OK for me then so hopefully that trip will be on next year and we can have another re union ...LOL...xxxxxxx

Cindy xxx

(Member) (Topic Starter)

I havnt got a trip in April I have just had it (this April) no what i was saying all my holiday allocation is from April to April and I have booked all my time,so next allocation will be April 2011 to April 2012 so nearest holiday would be May,2011 so as soon as it becomes available (the Holiday)I will have to book, before anyone else in the office gets in.

Regards Rosemary

  • (Member)
I did post message on Editors board about future dates as the dates for this only go up to the end of 2010, dates for 2011 are not available yet, I said I hoped they kept this tour in for next year as we WANT to go on it..!!!

Cindy x

Dear Rosemary & Cindy,

I get it now, Rosemary it's just thjat you're always off gallivanting somewhere! Hopefully they will run the trip and we can all go! (Better start practising Bulgarian).


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Sharon

As regards speaking Bulgarian I can just about spell it yet alone speak it, I'll let you do the talking !!!That will be a nice change ??? don;t you agree x x

  • (Member)

Do you think Rosemary could just be quiet for w little while, not sure that will ever happen.. Bless her.

Well how are we all doing, Rosemary has been so good and got her jabs and sorting out her maleria medication as well, I have done nothing only asked what I have got to have, that scared me enough, I PROMISE I will sort it all out after the Family Holiday in June. What is the weather up to, think we are in for a rough Bank Holiday Weekend..typical.

Love to you both x


Dear Cindy & Rosemary,

Hmmmm - malaria? Jabs against all sorts of nasty things? Hungry lions and tigers? Are you sure this will be an adequately relaxing holiday? I'll be thinking of you. My sedate trip to Scotland has been altered due to lack of interest (lack of octogenarians, I expect)We are now going to Doorknock (Dornoch)instead. (No innoculations necessary, although there are lots of midges apparently - Rosemary, please report back - is this what you have had your jabs for?)


  • (Member)
sharon...yuk to the midges i get bitten galore, they like my blood,I think the maleria medication is for the mosquitos...soz on the spellings....I bet I come back as a pin cushion..loads of bites...Sharon do enjoy your stay in Scotland with the YOUNG people...and can you please clarify, what is it the young men wear under there kilt, photos evidance please..ha ha ha..enjoy your trip...Hows the boy doing and the girls !!!!!


(Member) (Topic Starter)

Hope u received my email and thanks once again that was so kind the donation for my "Race For Life"

Well to date talking of injections I have had.


Yellow Fever (this one cost me £50) that was unexpected.

Malaria Tablets cost £47.25 plus £10 private prescription (cos I bought them onli ne) my doctors wanted £77.50 so I had to save £20 and buy them online !!! didnt realise all this extra expense.

Then Yesterday my nurse at Doctors suggested I also needed £10 Swine Flu Injection cos Africa coming to end of rainy season and we might just catch the last bit of rain and thats when swine flu is about.However i finally got that as a freebie thru much moaning and what happened to the Senior Citizen bit ???You are so penalised cos you are working at nearly 70?? I could get so much more if I was on benefits, it does'nt make sense.

Now we just have to pay for Visa.

Just hope another Volcano does'nt erupt before we go. Otherwise that will have all been in vain !!!

Keep Well will speak again soon. I wanted to join an Adult Education Evening Class for Healthy Cookery they said that will be £80 oh I said is there any discount for OAP no but if you are on benefit ?? No I said said and then she said oh it will only cost u £10 if you were?? No wonder this country is in a state.

Take Care speak soon. xc x