  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hello there, everyone ,

I am in the process of decideing whether or not to book my first ever just you holiday!

I feel quite excited at the thought but also very nervous !

Any tips , or advice ?

  • (Member)
Go for it! Everyone else is single so you will not feel 'out of it'. I don't mix very easily and was very nervous first time - I have booked my third holiday with Justyou!
  • (Member)
Hi Carol

Just go for it! I was the same when I booked my first JY holiday to Jordan last year, but there is no need to be nervous at all. You are looked after very well and everyone is friendly. I thoroughly enjoyed my holiday and have already booked my second one this year to Andalucia on 1 September.

Kind regards

  • (Member)

We all think and feel like you are feeling. I have now done 5 JY holidays and have another 2 planned. If you pick a holiday that you would like to go on then you have that holiday choice in common with the other people. I have done short and long haul holidays and have had a great time on them all. The days are normally filled with things to see and do. I take a good book to read in the evenings in case I am left on my own in my room !!! but have never read a book yet, as you buddy up with people and then the evenings become full of things going on as well. I think along the lines... strangers are just friends we have not met yet.


  • (Member)
Hi there carol,

I have just booked my 3rd just you holiday, did China & Yangtzi, last year & Thailand & Cambodia the year before. Everyone was very friendly I think the mix of ages helps, and the guides, hotels, trips etc excellent all I can say is go for it.

good luck


Hi Carol.

Well I can help you with your decision - do it! It doesn't matter what holiday you choose, I am sure you will be glad you did.

I am off to the Austrian Lakes in 4 weeks time and I can't wait.....

I have been on the trip to Moscow and St. Petersburg (which was amazing) and even a walking holiday to the Ahr Valley. The possibilities are endless. My current 'wish list' includes China, USA, New Zealand, Peru and South Africa to date.

One thing I do know is that you will meet some great people and your tour manager will make you feel welcome and included.

You decide what you think you would like and book it. You will not regret it, I promise.

Be happy, best wishes.


Mick W
  • (Member)
I've just taken the plunge and booked my first holiday with JY "Americas Golden West June 28th" and am now really excited about it.

Reading many posts on this message board all the comments regarding newbies are the same, "don't worry you'll have a great time".

Remember everyone is travelling solo so are in the same boat, I'm sure they'll be many new friendships made.

My advice is book something or you'll regret not doing so.

Hi Carol

I am very new as well and trying to pluck up the courage to book my first holiday, but very excited also. Maybe we can share any tips,or advice


Hello Carol.

My best advice, Is to look through the brochure, Pick what you fancy within your budget. Stay excited, And Just Go for it. If you are really apprehensive as I was. You can always try a short type holiday of about 4 to 6 days, And see how it goes. What I can say. Whatever you pick, You will not be disappointed. Now girl be a devil and do it

All the best Andy

  • (Member)
Hi Carol

I have just booked Andalucia 1st September, my first holiday with Just You, I am so looking forward to it. I have made contact with another lady (not flying from the same airport) so when I reach my destination I will be able to introduce myself and not feel alone.
