  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm booked to go on South African Explorer trip on 28th October. Would like to hear from others booked on this holiday and also anyone who has already been to South Africa.
  • (Member)
Hi Sue,

I am booked on the 28/10 trip, but haven't looked at this site for some months. I have been to S.A. twice before, and have seen most of the Cape Town bits before, but they are worth a second visit. Most of the rest is new though. It is a fantastic country, although a shame the exchange rate is poor at the moment.

I tried to get on the whaling tour but it was full, as is this one now -I think I was last to book. I have been to various parts of Africa, and really like being in the bush.Shame there is no airport lounge this time, but we can look for labels. See you soon!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hello Ray - thanks for your message. I'm really looking forward to discovering SA, as everyone I know who has been there says it is wonderful. Only part of Africa I've visited before is West Africa many years ago. Not too long to wait now until we set off. Look forward to meeting you and our fellow travellers.
