  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
does this happen often with jy? couldnt beleive it when I phoned to pay the balance..Devastated.and later dates are more expensive..What are others booked for this hol doing?
I wasn't on this holiday but I have had one cancelled before now, though it doesn't happen often. Just you cancels if there are not enough enough bookings to make a good group. I like this because I once travelled all the way to New Zealand with another travel company and found that there was only one (very elderly) man as the other other member of the group. Not the way I wanted to spend 28 days!

Sorry to see that your January hol has been cancelled. Could you manage the 15 November this year. I only booked this 2 weeks ago and the latest I hear is that there are 33 booked,


  • (Member)
I just read your message about ju cancelling the holiday so have been in to the travel agents but they didnt know anything about it. Anyway they have sorted it out and I am now going on March 7th Are you able to do the same?I dont think there is any difference in price.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thanks everyone for answering..really cant make November, But I do hope it goes well for you . Mary I am glad you changed to March if it siuts you.its very awkward for me..I will have to seriously consider it and change some other things around.if they let me have it at the same price,they have returned my deposit for now..I really really wanted January, Feel I shall await a few weeks to make sure they dont cancell that one too..would be my luck!!! Hope you enjoyed France.. Take care Keep in touch...Joy-joy
  • (Member)
changing to March but I paid the full ammount when I booked so I dont know if that would make any difference The only problem I have had is that I had booked a hotel in London for a couple of night when I came back and wasnt able to cancel that so it looks like I am going to be going to London for a couple of days.I had a really good time in France, it was a diferent type of holiday and I really enjoyed it.I hope you can make it in March,keep in touch. love Mary
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