  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi, I'm new and have only just discovered this site. I've never been on holiday on my own before but would love to travel to far away places and am pleased to see there are companies providing such holidays for those of us without partners. I'm thinking of trying a weekend first, perhaps the one in April. Any thoughts on how these weekends tend to work out?
Are you planning to go to the meeting in Birmingham or do you mean the weekend away in Peterborough?

I'm looking to book the Paris weekend in April and another longer break in September or October so which holiday are you looking to join?

Regards Suzanna

Hi Helen,

Trust me, You will enjoy any trip with Just You, long or short, You will not be disapointed. The Discovery weekends are great, But I can recommend a short 5 day trip, To Walking in The Ahr Valley in Germany. It is a short 5 day trip and great value for Money, And is a great ice breaker to Just You Holidays. ( I have been there 6 times ) Although it is classed as a walking holiday, You do not have to be a marathon man or Chris Bonnington to do it.

I have met folk up to the age of 79 and they still managed it.

Go for it, Don't think just pick a trip from the brochure and book it

All the best
