  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Most countries nowadays require visitors to carry their passports at all times but many of us are reluctant to do so for fear of having them stolen, and prefer to leave them in the hotel room safe or with the Reception. May I suggest that, if you don't want to have your passport with you, you take a photocopy of the main pages and carry that with you. A friend of mine who has a scanner reduces the size of the relevant pages down to slightly larger than a credit card but still readable, then has them laminated back-to-back and carries the resultant card around with her.

The terrible events in Tunisia this weekend have prompted me to suggest this because I have just heard on the lunchtime news that one of the factors delaying the identification of the casualities is that many of them weren't carrying their passports or any other form of ID on them when the attack took place. Heaven forbid that any of us should be involved in a similar incident while on holiday but it is possible that we might wander away from the main group or spend a free day away on our own and, if an accident were to occur, without carrying some form of identification unnecessary delay could be the result.


  • (Member)
I always carry a copy around with me when away with JY and if the rep says to carry the real passport then I do, do that better safe than sorry. Like these poor people who carries ID when you go sunbathing, even hotels nowadays don't advertise on the key fob. It's heartbreaking and awful that we have to think like this what is this world coming to.


  • (Member)
Hi Ann,

This is a good suggestion, many thanks.

Best wishes,


Like Cindy, I always carry a copy of my passport, and also, one of my insurance details. Also, details my UK contact who also keeps copies of passport and insurance. The other thing to remember when in Europe, is to carry your European health card with you. Most insurers expect you to use the health service of the country you are in the qualify for compensation. I have considered keeping details on my mobile, but decided paperwork is less likely to stolen.


  • (Member)
Hi Ann

I make a reduced copy of my passport as your friend does but I go a stage further. Before I laminate the copy I write on the back details of flights; holiday insurance with company, policy number and emergency number; hotel(s) I'm staying in and next of kin information. It might seem over the top but if something were to happen, the information is all ready to hand and appropriate people could be contacted.



  • (Member)
I always carry a copy of the passport with me, but also majority of the times I carry my passport with me at all times, especially if there is no safe in the room or we are on the move all the time. I had my passport and all the money with me at all times in Namibia! I do like Stewart's idea and hope to copy him for future holidays.


I carry a photocopy of all relevant documents with me at all times and I also put a copy of ALL documents in the cloud. This includes scans of the documents from JY. It is useful as I can refer to them on my phone or tablet but they also contain things such as hotel contact details. It would be very useful if JY made a PDF copy of documents available via the customer log in area of the website

I also think one of the most important things to carry at all times is the JY emergency contact card.

I agree with all the above, I always have a scanned copy of Passport and travel docs accessible on my phone along with boarding passes etc.

Another idea, because i normally keep my phone on me at all times. I sort by next of kin contacts under I.C.E.

The International emergency response teams have a standard procedure, they should look for a contacts in your phone under the listing of I.C.E ( In Case of Emergency).

I also log on to the our F.C.O (Foreign and Common wealth) website and state which countries I am travelling to and the time frames I am travelling,(if outside Europe) then at least the Embassy or Consulate with in the region knows roughly how many UK citizens are in the area. Again one lists point of contact etc with them.

Now for a nicer subject.......

Julie White
Excellent idea Princi,

I will add an I.C.E. contact to my phone.

Thank you


'Julie wrote:

Excellent idea Princi,

I will add an I.C.E. contact to my phone.

Thank you


Hi Julie, Glad you found it a useful tip.


That's for that. I have added an ICE number to my phone. I also keep details of the JY emergency number and numbers for cancelling my bank cards on my phone, and on a separate sheet in an inside pocket.