  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I'm trying to work out how much cash to take for Santiago on the way to Antarctica - the itinerary says we have a welcome drink at the hotel on day 2 but doesn't mention dinner. Can you confirm that dinner on that evening is an extra cost?

Also, it seems from the literature that we won't need cash at all on board the Roald Amundsen, so I'm not planning to take any Norwegian Krona. Is that ok?


Hi Bee,

Good news - we have now got dinner included for day 2, so you won't need to arrange this and therefore shouldn't need much cash for Santiago.

Yes, on the ship all meals are included and if you do need to buy anything you can pay by card, so you won't need Krona.

Many thanks,


  • (Member)
I wonder what prices are like in Chile. 100GBP is approx 98000 Chilean Peso.

From what I can tell, we also have dinner on the last evening in Santiago, so we should only need cash for incidentals/souvenirs (that's if there's any time for shopping).....

Are credit/debit cards widely accepted or is it mainly cash that's preferred (cutrent state of unrest might have a bearing on this)


Changing the subject slightly, do you think Christmas day will be dressy? ???
  • (Member)
'PennyA' wrote:

Changing the subject slightly, do you think Christmas day will be dressy? ???

I've been wondering about this as well. I'm not going to bring any makeup or jewellery with me, but was thinking of bring a nice top, or, a first for me - a Christmas jumper !!!!


That sounds like a great compromise (nice top). I usually travel with a pair of black trousers in my case, so a nice top's a good idea.

See you at the airport. Xx

  • (Member)
'PennyA' wrote:

That sounds like a great compromise (nice top). I usually travel with a pair of black trousers in my case, so a nice top's a good idea.

See you at the airport. Xx

After receiving my documentation yesterday, I have finally given into the pre-holiday and pre-Christmas excitement and bought my very 1st Christmas jumper!!! A very appropriate one too.....  

Looking forward to meeting you all. Not long to go now!

Una  :shy:

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