  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Vickie.  

Unusually I haven't seen any reviews for Cilento Coast this year after the change of location/ hotel.

If you can tell me (given the new rules/regs) what sort of feedback JY are getting from this year that would be very helpful.  


Hi Bosuncat,

Overall the feedback has been very positive, customers love the hotel, the service, the location and facilities of the hotel as it is a perfect place to relax. Customers particularly love the private beach.

However, due to the new location this tour would not be suitable for someone who wishes to be able to wander and explore by themselves in free time as there are not shops or restaurant very near to the hotel.

Therefore it is ideal for someone looking for a relaxing holiday but not for someone who may be used to the usual touring style.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

Overall the feedback has been very positive, customers love the hotel, the service, the location and facilities of the hotel as it is a perfect place to relax. Customers particularly love the private beach.

However, due to the new location this tour would not be suitable for someone who wishes to be able to wander and explore by themselves in free time as there are not shops or restaurant very near to the hotel.

Therefore it is ideal for someone looking for a relaxing holiday but not for someone who may be used to the usual touring style.

I hope this helps.

Many thanks,


Thanks Vickie.

Sounds lovely, but as you say not for everyone.   🙂