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(Member) (Topic Starter)
Just returned from Peru with the Amazon add on

Out of the 8 doing the add on, 3 did not get any malaria medication or yellow fever vaccination; Rosa our tour manager took them to the hospital to sort out malaria tablets, but I wonder whether this could have been avoided if the travel documentation was a little clearer.

Rather than the standard text about consulting your GP and giving a link to research online, I wonder whether it would be more helpful for tours travelling to areas where there is a known risk to be more explicit.  While I accept that Just You do remind travellers to check with their GP, for a trip such as the Peru Amazon add on, would it not be more helpful to expand the text to say something along the lines of "You will be travelling to an area where there is a high risk of malaria and yellow fever, please ensure you consult your GP ...." plus the standard text and internet link?

I seem to recall that when I went to Kenya in 2009 the documentation was a lot clearer about possible vaccinations.


Good Afternoon Tim,

In our brochures, we clearly state the below;

"Health facilities, hygiene and disease risk can vary considerably around the world and travel to certain countries may make it advisable, or even compulsory to be vaccinated against certain illnesses. Therefore it is essential that you take professional advice about vaccinations and other health precautions at the time of booking. o bear in mind that certain vaccinations and preventative measures such as malaria protection may need to be taken well in advance of your departure. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are adequately vaccinated".

We advise our customers to consult their GPs because they will be able to give you accurate advise on vaccinations to take prior to travelling.

Kind Regards,


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)

As I acknowledged in my original post Just You do as you have said make it clear it is our responsibility to check, but what I was suggesting was an enhancement to the existing documentation that for the few destinations where travellers will be entering a high risk area that the documentation is more direct so that they know that they have to ask their GP. At least one of those on my trip without malaria tablets had visited their GP, but I suspect they were a little vague on exactly where in Peru they were going or didn't make it clear they were going to the rainforest.



Good Afternoon Tim,

Thank you for your suggestion- we always appreciate new suggestions from our customers.

I will pass this over to our customer documentation team.

Kind Regards,
