Received my brochure today, thank you for your assistance in getting it for me.
The web site states that the flight for Andalucia departs from Gatwick at 07.40. The brochure states that departure is at 14.50. I have looked at the BA website and that says 07.40 so I assume that the web site is correct.
The problem that I have is that I cannot wait until 2 weeks before departure to get the final confirmatiom as flights from here by BA to Gatwick tend to get filled up quickly. The winter ferry takes 10 (yes ten) hours to Portsmouth so that really isn't an option.
I was on the point of booking an overnight hotel at Gatwick along with flights until I noticed this discreprancy in the brochure so I would appreciate it if you can indeed confirm that it is a misprint in the brochure.
Thank you