  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi fellow travellers,

I don't know if there is anybody using the Forum who is on this trip this Saturday?

I am flying down to Gatwick on Friday, seeing a friend for afternoon tea (!) and then having a very early dinner as we will have to check in at 4.40 a.m. (that's the middle of the night!!). I'm staying at the Premier Inn across the road from the terminal, so anyone who wants to join me for dinner, perhaps you could look out for a lone woman with short grey hair, and if I remember, I'll put a JY label on my bag! If not, see you in Italy.



Hi Hils

Greetings from fellow Scot! I am not doing this trip - going to Kerala tomorrow- but stayed at the Premier Inn North Terminal last year. I suggest you book for dinner when you check in as I and another JY traveller were offered a 10 pm slot when we went for dinner at 8pm!!!!

Have a lovely holiday


  • (Member)
Hi Hils

Have a great trip. You will really like this holiday. The hotel is really nice. I did this trip last year after reading good reviews about this holiday.

Safe travels.
