  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Time to put this up I think. :thumbup:

I know of a few people on this tour, but wondered if there is anyone who hasn't posted?

  • (Member)
I know of you, me, Maureen (a lady I know but we didn't book together we just stumbled on the fact), Mark, Jan,

So that's 5 ...


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'nixon' wrote:

I know of you, me, Maureen (a lady I know but we didn't book together we just stumbled on the fact), Mark, Jan,

So that's 5 ...



  • (Member)
There were quite a few on the Route 61 who did not know about this forum back in November. I expect the same for the Battlefields tour :)

So looking forward to this trip, Jan.

  • (Member)
I am always surprised at the amount of people who have NO idea this facility exists


  • (Member)
Hi sorry for barging in on this thread, but it's hard to know what else JY can do to promote the forum - it features prominently on all brochures and mini brochures these days, as well as on the main website also. I always mention it while on tour; perhaps the tour managers could do more to promote it - some of them know little or nothing about it either!

Hope you all have a worthwhile and interesting trip (wishing you a great holiday doesn't seem appropriate in this instance).

Best wishes,


  • (Member)

I feel like when I went to Poland Aushwitz concentration camp, it's something I feel I need to do, there are 17 people who have some kind of stone - plaque etc from my local war memorial I hope I can trace them in some shape or form. But a barrel of laughs it will not be, I know where your coming from.

As for promoting the forum MOST managers have no idea about it so if they don't it's no surprise the public don't either. I do wish the managers would engage more on here.

As you say it's on all the promotional literature so what more can they do.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I know what you mean as I always mention the forum on every JY holiday that I go on and there are usually very few people that have heard of it never mind use it. With a few exceptions. :thumbup:
  • (Member)
Hello fellow travellers, looking forward to meeting you all. I think I met

Cindy on East Coast trip a while back. Have been a few Just You

holidays since then. jan106

  • (Member)
'jan106' wrote:

Hello fellow travellers, looking forward to meeting you all. I think I met

Cindy on East Coast trip a while back. Have been a few Just You

holidays since then. jan106

Hi Jan

Oh have we met before how exciting, I am useless on names let's hope I recognise you we we meet up.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'jan106' wrote:

Hello fellow travellers, looking forward to meeting you all. I think I met

Cindy on East Coast trip a while back. Have been a few Just You

holidays since then. jan106

Hi Jan!! :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi Jan from the other Jan 😛
Hi Bosuncat,

We met last September in Punta Umbria and I'm also booked on the battlefields tour on 8th May. It's something I've wanted to do for some years, ever since my daughter went on a school trip, and in particular to be at the service at the Menin Gate. I'll look forward to seeing you and our fellow travellers soon. (This is my first post, read lots before but not written one!)


  • (Member)
Welcome Cathy

see you on the 8th...


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
'CathyG' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

We met last September in Punta Umbria and I'm also booked on the battlefields tour on 8th May. It's something I've wanted to do for some years, ever since my daughter went on a school trip, and in particular to be at the service at the Menin Gate. I'll look forward to seeing you and our fellow travellers soon. (This is my first post, read lots before but not written one!)


Hi Cathy. Look forward to meeting you again. :thumbup:

  • (Member)
Hi CathyG,

Am booked on the battlefields tour as well. See you there!


  • (Member)
Hi Mark

Did not realise you too are going in May. Looks like there is a nice crowd of forum users on this trip. I look forward to reading your review.

Have a great time.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Interestingly enough (and I don't know whether anyone needs to overnight in London on this) but I have found a website for a hotel just across the road from St Pancras which is a heck of a lot cheaper than most of the hotels I have looked at and includes a full breakfast if you book using their website. If anyone needs this who is going on the trip (and with Julia's permission) I can put the link up on here if need be.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
As a matter of interest Julia, did we have any more bookings?
  • (Member)
Wow, so many people that have met before haha!

Julia, normal set of questions: age, gender ratio, how many...?

