  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
hey, new hihello :)

was thinking of going on the trip to Germany but I have a couple of queries

how large are these groups usually?

its a walking holiday, i have short legs! but whats the sort of pace, do you know?

im looking and looking - is the price displayed everything on the itiniery - travel / hotel / meals that are listed

ie: extra costs are generally what? 🙂

  • (Member)
Hi Spice!

As alluded to in the other threads I'm going to Ahr Valley too, so I might be able to give more advice in a few weeks rather than now! From what I have researched though -

-Group size tends to vary a lot but there are 30 going on the Ahr Valley trip in a few weeks. I think it sold out so I imagine that'll be the same for the other Ahr Valley trips.

-I'd imagine walks would be at a relaxed pace even though the terrain might be tricky. I think there are breaks so people can keep up.

-I think for the Ahr trip all the excursions listed are included. I think any that are listed as "optional" you have to pay for - some optional ones are listed for some tours. Apart from that everything on there is included in the price.

Hope that helps at least a little~