Kaz ab
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Hi, any one going to China in June?

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'.E.' wrote:

Yep, I am :)

I am using this tour on 13th june. my first with the company

Any one know know the ages of fellow travellers and whether male or female

Karen A B
Have you been on holiday with Just you before?
  • (Member)

Karen AB = Kaz AB I'm guessing?

This will be my second holiday with JY, I went to Kenya last year and had a great time.

I don't know the composition of the group but I think they will tell you if you ring the reservations number at the top of the page. I think it is usual for the men to be somewhat outnumbered.

Looking forwards to meeting up with everyone at the airport.


Karen A B
I don't know about the ages on this trip, but on previous trips it's been between 30 and 80 and about 4to 5 woman to 1 man ๐Ÿ™‚
  • (Member)
I asked elsewhere - 11 ladies, 4 men, ages 30's to 70's.

Doesn't seem like many people to me.

Are you both doing the main holiday? Or have you booked on the add-on of the Gorges cruise?
  • (Member)
Main holiday only for me.
Karen A B
Hi E yes it is kaz A B do I know you?

Hi Kim, I'm just doing the holiday, not the cruise. I am really looking forward to this it will be so different.

  • (Member)
Hi Karen, probably not (unless you are the Karen that was in Kenya last March) - just saw the two similar names in the same thread and wondered. ๐Ÿ™‚
  • (Member)
Hi All

I am going to China (13th departure) too and also going on the Yangtze cruise add-on ๐Ÿ™‚ I am very excited. Anyone received any guidance on vaccinations? I have received conflicting advise from medical folk so far and am now rather confused. I am thinking of taking a spray to cover me for malaria, also someone suggested Japanese encephalitis and Tick Borne encephalitis vaccinations. What are you all doing with regards to vaccinations ? Help please ๐Ÿ™‚


  • (Member)
I just went to my local surgery and spoke with the nurse who checked everything out. I think that is probably the best thing to do, rather than take well meaning but possibly misinformed advice from others. ๐Ÿ™‚

I'm looking forward to joining you all on the 13th June. I also took the advice of my local surgery, which included stocking up on Deet!!