ian blakesley
(Member) (Topic Starter)
I did not have much of a chance to say goodbye and thank you to everyone I met on this terrific holiday because we all had to rush away to get planes trains coaches or hit bthe motorways. Thank you everyone for making this last week so enjoyable. I hoped you all liked Fred and me as entertainers. Thank you in particular to Helen and Gulay for managing the tours so well. Who knows, in the words of the song I would have liked to sing if we had had the chance and the music: "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when, but I know we'll meet again some sunny day." Well, you could have had "White Christmas" again. And to Michael, no I still don't know the words to "Christmas Alphabet".
hi Ian,

given that the hotel entertainment was not much to write home about (apart from Christmas Eve which was a fantastic night), your and Freddy's singing contributed to us having a great time. Like you, I hope everyone got home safely. I ended up catching the illness that quite a few had on the holiday but at least mine came at the end of the holiday.

I'm even thinking it qould be nice to return at a different time of year - maybe when things are a bit warmer.
