I have just book to go on the wonder of chine with the three day add on to the Harbin Ice Festival. This is my first time going by my self and to china so if anyone has any advise i would be grateful
Thank you
I returned from my first Just You holiday over a week ago now - it was lovely. I felt safe, experienced some fantastic well organised tours and enjoyed meeting all my fellow travellers - everyone was lovely and we had a laugh 🙂
I am certain you shall enjoy your holiday.
Take care and enjoy,
not sure when you are booked to go to china b ut just returned from holiday in china, have no fear this holiday is amazing I know and am sure you will have a wonderful time.
However, my husband and I went to China with the Harbin add on.
It was amazing - I've never had a holiday like it. The Ice Lantern festival is totally unique and breathtaking.
You'll love it
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