(Member) (Topic Starter)
I am thinking about booking this trip for next May, And would welcome any feed back from anyone who has experienced this trip. I have been to Austria several times in the past, But the first time to this location at this time of year.

Regards Andy

  • (Member)
I have posted a report on the other thread on this page..

The scenery is breath taking on this tour, there was a bit to much coach sitting so on two of the days I didnt opt for the optional tour,. One day some of us took local bus and had a look around, the other day we went on the boat that tours the lake and got off and had a look around, which made a nice change. Hotel very nice and veiw across the lake from bedroom window was stunning, very nice people and a nice tour.. Rep Greta had a vast knowledge on the area, and got us all to gel together. Well worth going on.


  • (Member)

well my dear tall scots fellow. Apologies for not answering your emails until now but you would love Weyregg. You could opt out of a day or two and as I remember of you you are quite happy to take time on your own to do some walking (in the Ahr Valley even leading the walking!!) I live very close to Weyregg and am often the Tour Manager on tours. This year with Oberammergau and our sister company I am sure to be in the region but not sure whether it will be your tour. We have a great restaurant at 4,000ft called the Wachtberg and it views are magnificent. Johanna at our tourist office is very friendly and would send you a walking map in advance although your Tour Manager would also have them. The Weyregg Tourist office phone number is +43 7664 2236.


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Daniel.

Thank you for the information which I have noted, Unfortunately I cant get away this Christmas, But have already booked for May on the Austrian Lakes.I did consider the passion play at one point. I hope all is well with you, And have a nice Christmas and New Year in Austria and Switzerland

Hi Andy,

I too have booked the Austrian Lakes for May. You never know we might have Daniel as our tour manager. Now that would make for a fun time.

Be happy


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley. Of course i recall you, The date i am intending to go is the 9th of May, One thing thing thou,,, I hate flying.

See you in a bar I guess

Hi Andy,

I am booked on this trip for 9th May too. I know you like Austria and I liked Austria when I went there for Christmas 2007. I met some really nice people. We will have a great time. Don't worry about flying - you'll be fine.

Be happy, best wishes,


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley,

Cool that you are also on this trip, It will be good to catch up with you again. I have been to this location before at Christmas time, Its a stunning part of the world, I am really looking forward to it. Have you any idea as to what the weather maybe like around May time


Hi Andy,

I am really looking forward to this trip now. I am not sure what the weather will be like in Austria in May but it has to be warmer than here! I know we will have a good time and can't wait to find out who our tour manager is. We may even meet up with some former JY friends. Looking forward to seeing you again. Not too long to wait now.

Best wishes, be happy,


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Lesley

I am planning to get to the airport on the Saturday as I will be travelling down from Scotland. I am not too sure though as to what hotel to stop at, Have you any recomendations.

I look forward to seeing you in May.


Hi Andy,

Good idea to travel down the day before we fly. I think I will try to stay at a hotel on or as near to the airport as possible. Gatwick is not an airport I am familiar with so I will have to sort out somewhere to stop overnight and also leave the car whilst we are away. See you in May.

Be happy, best wishes,


  • (Member)
re hotels at London Gatwick, I have stayed when travelling with my family many times at the Gatwick Worth hotel, they keep your car there as well so you pay for the 1 nights accomidation/Room and they keep the car, they have a shuttle bus to the terminals think you have to pay a little bit for that, when you arrive back you ring and the shuttle bus collects you if that helps.

I think I have booked online useing the holiday extras website.



Hi Cindy,

Thanks for your suggestions re a hotel and parking at Gatwick whilst we are in Austria in May. I will look into it. It makes sense to travel to Gatwick the day before we fly. I live in the Midlands so have easy access to Birmingham or East Midlands and even Manchester airports but Gatwick is totally new for me. Be happy, best wishes,


Hi Andy,

Have you seen the message from Cindy? I will check this out and it should make life easier for the flight to Austria. It is the obvious answer to our problem of having to get to Gatwick in time for the trip in view of the fact that it is a long way from where we live.

By the way, I saw your quote in the new Just You brochure - what a star!! See you in May.

Best wishes, be happy,


  • (Member)
Just thought the other hotel I have stayed at London Gatwick way was the Russ Hill this was fine also.....there are many to choose from on that website,I have booked onlinewith no problems it can work out cheaper than by phone, but I have never had a problem with the two hotels, and the car has been very safe in there care.

BTW I did the Austrian Lakes tour in May 2009 had a great time the weather was rather nice, I took loads of warm gear and didnt need it.


Hi Cindy,

Thanks for all your advice. I have found a hotel on the airport which includes parking the car whilst we are in Austria. I am not scared of flying but find actually getting to any airport to catch a flight quite stressful. So this is the obvious answer when flying from Gatwick.

Best wishes, be happy,


(Member) (Topic Starter)
Thank you Nixon for the great advice, Which is most welcome. Thank you. I know Gatwick very well although as for staying in the hotels not so much. But i have looked into your recomendations, And I think i have chosen one of them, Cheers petal.

I owe you a drink,

All the best Andy