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(Member) (Topic Starter)

Really looking forward to this one, anyone else going!

jenny jersey

  • (Member)
Hi Jenny,

Yes I am going on the Douro trip on 26 July. This is my first trip with Just You, so feeling excited but also a bit apprehensive. I live in Shropshire. I look forward to meeting you.

Liz Hodge

  • (Member)
Hi Jenny. Yes, I'm going too. This will be my second Just You holiday - I went to Lake Como last year and had a thoroughly enjoyable time. Sheila
  • (Member)
Hello there Jenny,Liz and Sheila I am also booked for 26thJuly for the cruise. I`m leaving from Gatwick anyone else going from there? Pat.
  • (Member)
Hi Pat - nice to hear from you. I am flying from Gatwick, too. I live near Penzance and will be flying up from Newquay (Cornwall) that morning but will have to stay overnight at Gatwick on the way home. If you look at the CroisiEurope website, you will be able to read all about our ship, which I think looks very good. Not long to go now!


  • (Member)
Hello Sheila thanks for your reply.I live in Kent so Gatwick is not far for me.Thanks about the Croisi website,been looking at it for a few months,can`t wait to get on board and see it all for real!!! See you soon. Pat.
  • (Member)
Hello me again, not long now,wonder what the other 20 people going with us 4 are like? Roll on the 26th, see you then,Pat.
  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Everyone

gosh you all seem to be going 26th my trip is this Monday, 12th. Never mind will be nice to maybe compare notes when we all get back, Jenny

  • (Member)
Oh well it looks like it`s just Sheila,Liz and me going on the 26th, where are the other 21 people on our cruise,I wonder? Pat.
  • (Member)
Hi, Pat. I seem to remember there is also an Ingrid (from older posts), so that makes four of us at least. I thought there were 19 in our party - that's what the editor told Liz, but that was some time ago so it might have changed? In a way I'm glad our weather has broken so we have even more reason to look forward to our trip!
  • (Member)
Hi again Sheila I must have missed the post from Ingrid maybe she`ll join in this one ! When I asked in June there were 24 people with Just You, we`ll find out soon, less than a fortnight to go ! Pat.
  • (Member)
Just wanted to wish everybody a safe journey to Gatwick on the 26th and look forward to meeting you all. Pat.
  • (Member)
Thanks, Pat, and the same to you. Look forward to seeing you on Monday. Just a few more days of work to get through first....! Sheila
  • (Member)
Hi everyone, Yes it's getting very close now. I am travelling to Gatwick on Monday morning so hope the traffic is OK. Looking forward to the holiday and to meeting you all. Best wishes.
