  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi All, is anyone travelling to America's Golden West on 4 October, if so would love to hear from you before then.


shirley 2
hi mausie, 3 weeks to go and counting down. As i live in london i will be travelling to heathrow that morning.looking forward to meeting you and everyone prior to flight in the lounge..still woundering what clothes to pack. Getting nervous BUT VERY EXCITED.
shirley 2
hi mausie, 3 weeks to go and counting down. As i live in london i will be travelling to heathrow that morning.looking forward to meeting you and everyone prior to flight in the lounge..still woundering what clothes to pack. Getting nervous BUT VERY EXCITED.
Hi there, I am also going on 4th October. Cant wait now as only 3 weeks to go. I am staying at a hotel near Heathrow the night before, so my holiday starts on the 3rd!

Looking forward to meeting you and all the rest of us.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Sue,

I'm also travelling to Heathrow from Cork on the 3rd and staying in the Premier Inn Hotel situated in Bath Road, Heathrow. What hotel are you staying in? It would be great to meet on the night of the 3rd for a drink and chat, what do you think?

This is my first JY trip and also my first holiday on my own so am feeling a little nervous, how about you? I also haven't got a clue what to pack, I suppose a mixture of casual, smart casual and perhaps a couple of dresses, what do you think? Look forward to meeting you all.


I'm staying at the Park Inn, 1 Bath Road which i believe is a 5 min drive from your hotel! It would be good if we could meet up for quick drink on the 3rd.

I have a friend coming up to visit me, but i think that will be in late am/early afternoon. if you want to email me, then please do - my email is ***

Im not nervous but getting excited now.

As to clothing, i think your suggestions seem ideal.

Look forward to hearing from you


Editor's note: I'm not allowed to publish personal info such as email addresses but I'll be happy to pass them on if requested.