  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
This is my first Just You holiday. Is anyone out there going on the South Africa Explorer March 11th-26th. I would very much like to hear from you.

Kind regards


P Wynn
  • (Member)
Hi Eliza - thought I was the only one going Ha Ha - so great to hear from you. I started a message on 19.11.09 and you might find it helpful. I have been on 2 previous trips with JY and had a great time and made friends that I'm still in contact with. Looking forward to meeting you at the airport - where are you travelling from? I'm from Kent - not far from Dartford. I would love for us to keep in touch and to welcome others on this holiday - not that long now - can't wait for some warm weather and I know we'll all have a great time !


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
HI P Wynne.

Wow!What a relief to get a reply. I am especially looking forward to our holiday, as we are all singles.

I live in Spain, so will fly to Gatwick late morning, and then on to Heathrow.

I can't wait "to get on with it". Never have been been very good at waiting.

See you soon


P Wynn
  • (Member)
Hi again - are you doing the Victoria Falls add on - I am and not sure if anyone else !!!

Must get my head round all the different currencies we'll need !! Sounds like you'll have quite a journey before we even meet up - I'm less than an hour away from Heathrow !!

See you soon - like you - can't wait !!


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi Its Me Again.

Re: Currencies. When I rang the office I was told that we only need rand. I know the brochure says dollars, but don't think this is so. Let me know if you find out something different please.


P Wynn
  • (Member)
Hi again - thanks for message re-currencies.

I understand there's a limit to Rand ( will take debit card as optional trips need to be paid for ) and I thought the extra visa for add on needs to be in us dollars and while in Zambia local currency not as welcome as us dollars or sterling. Have been reading messages from previous visitors but maybe things have changed.

Getting excited - see you soon !


P Wynn
  • (Member)
Hi Eliza - further details of our group under link to Tour Managers


  • (Member)
Hi there again, I'm taking sterling to pay for the trips - this is what Justyou told me to do if we want to avoid the % add on on a debit/credit card.


  • (Member) (Topic Starter)
(Member) (Topic Starter)
Hi P.

Have re-thought the money situation. Now taking rand and a euro travel money card. If there is a chance of any money being left over (I don't think so!!) I can spend it when I come back to Spain. Monday 25/1 pouring with rain here today.


Hi All,

Did this trip last year and paid anything in Zambia, including optional trips in US Dollars. If you go to Zambia and love elephants as much as I do, book for the elephant safari. This was the highlight of my trip and I have the dvd to look back on. The dvd cost about 40 dollars which sounds a lot but all the money goes towards anti poaching.

The Zambian visa had to be paid in US dollars.

Enjoy your trip.


P Wynn
  • (Member)
Hi Janice - thank you so much - very helpful - I know now what I need re currencies. I really want the elephant safari so fingers crossed !!!

