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'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Bosuncat,

Thanks for letting me know! It appear our itinerary had not updated itself on the website - it should now be correct.

Many thanks,


It is now.  Interesting one too.   🙂

Hi Bosuncat,

Thanks for letting me know! It appear our itinerary had not updated itself on the website - it should now be correct.

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie.  

Whilst waiting for your reply on what kind of feedback JY have been getting from the trip this year given that they are using a new hotel and location, I thought I would check a couple of things on the itinerary.  There seems to be some significant differences in the brochure itinerary and that given on the website.  Would you be able to clarify which is correct please?

Day 2.  Castellabate.  I've done the trip twice, and couldn't understand why this was continuing to be included given the re-location of the holiday.  I've never yet seen the "beautiful view" because of low cloud.   :s   However, not mentioned, on the website, but in the brochure there is mention of a relaxing lunch at a beautiful winery.  Is this correct?  If so it should be mentioned on the website?

Day 5.  In the brochure and on the website mention is made of an optional trip to Agropoli.  In the day by day itinerary on the website only, this seems to have been replaced by a farmhouse cookery lesson.  :huh:   However this is not mentioned in the list of optional excursions.  on the website.  Again which is correct please?  Personally if I was paying out for an optional excursion I would far sooner go to Agropoli! 

Day 6.  

Optional trip Cilento National Park.  This has changed so much over the time it has been running.  The first time I went on it Pertosa Caves were included, but then there was also a separate boat trip which was included.   🙂   There is no mention on the website blurb of a visit to Roccadaspide.  Is this still included?

Sorry to run on.   :s 

Oh do you want to know about some of the incorrectly labelled pictures on the tour pages?