I voted for Asia, so far I've only been to Burma - which I loved. Asia top of the list (for now). Really want to do a Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam combo next winter - as well as try to find time to fit in trips to Sri Lanka, India and China as soon as I can. (Iran too, but waiting to see how the US visa situation affects people who go there.)
But ........ still haven't done Oceania or South America at all and I really want to get onto trips there as soon as I can as well. Europe I fit in short trips as and when I can (going to Sicily next month and Iceland in May - not JY trips). And there are parts of the US still on the bucket list (did look at the JY new tour, America's Music Heritage, but there were a couple of drawbacks there so discounted that one - tho' the TS 6 states of New England I would book, if I can find a friend to book as well.) I see Bob has mentioned Morocco and Ethiopia in Africa, yes me too.
No idea how I'll find the time for all this, or the money.