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I chose Asia as I really want to go to Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Burma but I also want to explore South America, Antartica, Australia and New Zealand. Australia is booked for next year. Would also like to go to Tanzania and Madagascar. Too many places to decide where to go next!



I'm  lucky enough to have visited the Malaysian peninsula  it's well worth a visit.
'BGray' wrote:

Hi Angie,

JY already go to Malaysia - to Borneo, which is much more interesting than peninsular Malaysia!  Seeing the orangutans was an amazing experience!



Sorry Bob but it is the peninsular that I want to see. I may have to do both to compare them ha ha.


So many places to explore - and so little time really to explore them!! I would love to do the Antarctica trip at some point - think it would be a one off amazing experience...however I might need one or two whiskys to keep me warm on the inside.
Hi Angie,

JY already go to Malaysia - to Borneo, which is much more interesting than peninsular Malaysia!  Seeing the orangutans was an amazing experience!



How about Malaysia. It would be my dream to visit a place I have heard so much about.


I've chosen Australia as desperate to go there. First holiday was to New Zealand but couldn't afford to do Oz then. I'm wading through America, Canada and Africa before starting on South America and bits of Europe. No interest in the far east yet!


I will have to vote Africa ...animals and more animals..

I adored Australia but have done all I needed to see if it was closer and cost less I would go back

in a heart beat


I chose Asia as I would love to see more holidays to India, I am sure they would be popular with a couple of India based tv programmes on TV at the moment to tempt people to visit. I have been on Spirit of India and to Kerala but the new trip on the boat doesn't appeal so much.


I voted for Asia, so far I've only been to Burma - which I loved. Asia top of the list (for now). Really want to do a Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam combo next winter - as well as try to find time to fit in trips to Sri Lanka, India and China as soon as I can. (Iran too, but waiting to see how the US visa situation affects people who go there.)

But ........ still haven't done Oceania or South America at all and I really want to get onto trips there as soon as I can as well. Europe I fit in short trips as and when I can (going to Sicily next month and Iceland in May - not JY trips). And there are parts of the US still on the bucket list (did look at the JY new tour, America's Music Heritage, but there were a couple of drawbacks there so discounted that one - tho' the TS 6 states of New England I would book, if I can find a friend to book as well.) I see Bob has mentioned Morocco and Ethiopia in Africa, yes me too.

No idea how I'll find the time for all this, or the money.
