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'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Linda,

Apologies for the delay. An invoice was resent to you on September 25th which showed special requests, but I have asked for another to be sent via email too.

Please can you let me know that it's arrived OK?

Many thanks,


Hello Vickie

Many thanks.  Updated invoice received.  In fact received two, in the post, a few days apart.  (I have asked that emails are not sent to me as my internet reception is very poor.)


Hi Linda,

Apologies for the delay. An invoice was resent to you on September 25th which showed special requests, but I have asked for another to be sent via email too.

Please can you let me know that it's arrived OK?

Many thanks,


Has anyone else experienced problems with “Special Requests” made at the time of booking a Just You holiday.


I have just booked a holiday with Just You for February next year, 2020, and received my confirmation invoice, and as with my booking last year,  my two Special Requests are not listed. 

I am concerned that I may experience identical problems  (listed below) that I had with a holiday booked  mid 2018 for May this year to Namibia


Despite my ringing JY on receipt of every document for the trip to Namibia my special requests were not itemized on any of the documents I received.  


From the time of booking up to final documents I was given various reasons for this ie, that they were on the 2nd page but that it had not come out on my copy, a few months that the response was that the  Technical Department were looking at the problem.   But, I was assured each time that my special requests were noted.


One of these requests, a critical one for me, was not included.   I had asked that both for the flights and the hotels and lodges, that it be noted that I do not eat meat, eat fish but am highly allergic to shellfish, especially prawns.


I was served a vegetarian meal on the flights.  But the information had not been forwarded to the hotels and our Tour Manager Lyn Maskill had not been made aware.


In the main this was not an issue as all the hotels/lodges had huge varied evening buffets, but our tour included a catamaran cruise with included lunch (shellfish only) and a final evening dinner at a restaurant (meat being the only option). 


The result was that our endlessly patient Tour Manager, Lynn Maskill ended up checking each day and when necessary having  to sort meals for me eg a huge salad platter on the catamaran, a meat free option for the final dinner which was meat only.  And at one of the safari lodges Lynn advised me that she had checked the buffet earlier and had kindly arranged with the kitchen to cater for me separately as all the options were meat, no fish.


So, here we go again.  I have made a new booking, received confirmation invoice which does itemize special requests.  When are Just You going to sort out the problem so that Special Request info is included on documentation and more importantly that this information is taken into account .
