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Just for some clarification to all interested. I have received a call from JY informing me that the problem has been resolved. Now whether that is for everybody or is just for myself, I don't know.   However somebody at Just You has been working very hard and my holiday in October is now secured and I have received booking details, flight details and everything that goes with a confirmed booking.

I would like to thank Vickie for her involvement in this issue and to Amy in customer service for contacting me.

If there are any further developments, I shall continue to update in the  Namibia October 2019 thread  

Well done Just You   🙂

'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Sally,

Apologies, I got the maximum number wrong for this trip. It is sold out and the website will be updated very shortly.

I'm sorry for the confusion.

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie

I don't think you did make a mistake in the maximum group numbers as I was told the same thing by a Holiday Adviser when I made some enquiries about the holiday.  I doubt very much that 2 people would have made the same mistake, you probably read what was in front of you at the time.

The problem seems to be with one Lodge only, I was told that the flights and other hotels were all still available. It appears to me, I could be wrong, that a mistake has been made either from this end or the other end in the number of rooms allocated at the Lodge, and I know JY have been doing their best to secure more rooms for those who were hoping to go on the October trip.  I hope that whatever has gone wrong will be well and truly rectified so that the same thing doesn't happen on future trips, but that wont help those disappointed this time round.


Hi Janet,

For July there are 11 people on the trip and for October there are 15 and 2 people optioned.

Many thanks,


Hi Willpower,

Unfortunately because the tours fall on different dates we're not able to use the rooms available for our Travelsphere holidays and move them to Just You.

If the tours fell on the same dates we could do this but unfortunately not in this case.

Many thanks


Hi Vickie

I can see the website has been updated to show as sold out.

Does this mean that the maximum number on each of the July and October trips is 12?



As someone who was in the process of booking this trip for Oct 9 , I am puzzled that your sister company Travelsphere can still take bookings whilst Just You cannot get any further rooms to fulfil their trip and my holiday is now in doubt.

I was offered to go with Travlesphere on Oct 4th without a UK tour guide, but preferred to go with JY  

So as you are both under the same banner  i.e. sister companies and invariably secure block bookings, why can you not just transfer a room booking rather than disappointing a loyal, long standing customer.

I know that my booking is being held in abeyance in the hope that the hotel in question can free up more rooms, but surely this could be a possible solution.

Hi Sally,

Apologies, I got the maximum number wrong for this trip. It is sold out and the website will be updated very shortly.

I'm sorry for the confusion.

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie

You say that the maximum on the Namibia trip is 24 yet I have been advised that there is no availability on 9th October - I could however travel with Travelsphere on 4th October? In which case why is 9th October not showing sold out?

Kind regard


Hi Janet,

For July there are: 11 people booked on, 4 men and 7 women. Their ages range from early 40s to mid 70s.

For October there are: 12 people booked on, 7 men and 5 women. Their ages range from early 40s to early 80s.

The maximum number for both tours is 24.

Many thanks,


Hi Vickie

Please can you advise me how many are booked on the July and October Namibia holidays along with m/f split and age range of each Also what is the maximum number on each tour please

Thank you 
