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Hi Garside,

I have requested a brochure for you so it should be on it's way ASAP.



Hello Vicki

Thank you for the reply.

What is happening about the brochures as I haven’t received anything


Hi Garside,

Sorry to hear this. We've had a delay at our mailing house which has unfortunately meant we've got a backlog of feedback forms being sent out, so it will be a little longer to wait.

Of course if you prefer not to wait, please do email us your feedback at

Many thanks,


'Vickie' wrote:

Hi garside,

Sorry to hear this, and thank you for letting us know.

I have passed your feedback to our team and a CSQ will be with you shortly - apologies for the delay.

Many thanks,


Hello Vickie 

I’m afraid I’m still waiting

Thanks Ann, I've moved this post 🙂
Hi Sylvia,

As you say, I've passed this onto our Customer Care team. They're now investigating every point you've made. Once we have their feedback we will respond to you.

Thanks for your patience.


Hello, Vickie.

Wouldn't this thread be better in "Ask the Editor"?   "From Just You..." has usually been for information from the Editor about competitions etc, not grumbles from readers.


Hi All

I've still not received the questionnaire but have provided a review which Vickie has kindly passed on to the appropriate person. Will the review appear on the community at some stage?



Hi garside,

Sorry to hear this, and thank you for letting us know.

I have passed your feedback to our team and a CSQ will be with you shortly - apologies for the delay.

Many thanks,



[align=left]It is a long time since I have been on The Community, but I would like to know if any one has had their feed back forms for the Bucharest trip at Christmas or are feedback forms not sent out since JY was taken over?

[align=left]I have been travelling with Just You for many, many years and the feed back forms are usually waiting for us on the return home, although, there is Christmas and New Year post delays I still have not recieved the form. But I did not receive a calendar or the new brochure.

[align=left]I was waiting for my feed back form as I wish to make a complaint about the dreadful food I received on the Bucherest trip e.g Christmas lunch was two cheese rolls, the evening meal was even worse and the times I went to bed hungry as there was no food for me as there is no such thing as people having special diets due to health reasons.
