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Hi Sarah,

Thank you for this feedback, I'll pass it to our web team to see if we can add maximum numbers to the website 🙂

Many thanks,


I’ve noticed that group number have greatly increased over the past year.  I appreciate that for commercial reasons, minimum numbers are needed to make tours viable, but 45 is a very large number. It’s too late for this year’s brochure, but it would be useful if maximum numbers could be given on the website.
'Vickie' wrote:

Hi Essa,

There are 45 people booked on, 11 men and 34 women. Your Tour Manager will be Jonathan Clarke 🙂



Thank you. Gosh that's a big group usually it's about 30ish.


Hi Essa,

There are 45 people booked on, 11 men and 34 women. Your Tour Manager will be Jonathan Clarke 🙂



Hi  Can you please tell me how many people are on the Tuscany tour 11th Oct, also how many ladies  & how many men Thank you. Any idea yet who the tour manager is?

