That is fine with me!
Best wishes,
I do not mind writing a review on return from this trip and you can then add on if I have missed anything. I will make notes as we go along.
I have already got £150 worth Malaysian currency - I ordered it at the same time when I was ordering my Mexican Pesos. By the way, I managed to spend all £250 worth of pesos!!
Thanks for the info - we will be relying on your experience of Singapore to guide us through our time there so I hope you are working on our itinerary!!!
Looking forward to meeting you,
Hi Monty,Many thanks, that is most helpful. I'll change money at the hotel reception in both countries then so. The easiest option is always the best on holiday!Best wishes,Bob
Hi Monty,
Many thanks, that is most helpful. I'll change money at the hotel reception in both countries then so. The easiest option is always the best on holiday!
Hello Bob
I don't know about Borneo but, when I was in Singapore, there was an ATM situated right by the entrance to the local MRT station across the road from my hotel: I used this all week and found it to be by far the most convenient option for obtaining cash. I used my bank's debit card so was billed in my own (non-Euro:-)) currency, with minimal fees and a reasonably good exchange rate
yes bob i forgot about you living in Ireland, actually it just crossed my mind after i'd posted and i also meant to say i'm sure both Julia and Monty loves all the little tasks we set them
all the best
I hope you have an absolutely brilliant time!
please ask as much as you like I love it when a tour that I am going on comes up on here
regards currency hotels, airports and banks give poor exchange rates although handy for convenience, I do like to have cash on me rather than run the risk of running short so mine gets ordered online with better exchange rates, Travelex had a currency sale and they often have them and no delivery on orders over £500 but I also carry my debit cards for emergencies
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