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I suggest you read the ,gov page on entry requirements into SA (link below) before taking advice about the Yellow Fever vaccination. There is a fairly new change and the person giving you advice may not be up to date.

I do not know if there is still an optional trip into Botswana but if there is I do not know if that requires a Yellow fever certificate for re-entry into Zambia or SA. 

'nixon' wrote:

My surgery like others have said has a dedicated nurse, so I make appointments with here to talk things through,most jabs I have had have been free apart from yellow fever, and the malaria malerone tablets which I get of the web from travel pharmacy you do need a prescription.

So I would suggest you make contact with the doctors etc again.


Many thanks for the hints and tips. Will sort out vaccinations over the next few weeks. Shellnortheast

My surgery like others have said has a dedicated nurse, so I make appointments with here to talk things through,most jabs I have had have been free apart from yellow fever, and the malaria malerone tablets which I get of the web from travel pharmacy you do need a prescription.

So I would suggest you make contact with the doctors etc again.


Hi I agree with what Monty has said and I am very surprised with the response of your doctor's surgery as it is not the job of a tour company to give medical advice! South Africa was my first ever long haul destination back in 2011 and as far as I remember I had Hep A and B, Tetanus and Typhoid vaccinations but you need to be advised by your local surgery - if they won't oblige try elsewhere! You will need to take anti-malaria tablets (Malarone) before you go to Kruger as it is a high risk area, as is Zambia if you are doing the add-on. This is not a big deal as there are very few side effects to Malarone. But make sure you take spray with 50% DEET (either Boots Repel or Jungle Formula) and spray exposed areas (especially around your ankles and arms) morning and evening - in the morning put on your sun cream first and the DEET about 20 minutes later. Hope this helps!

Have a fantastic holiday, this tour is still my favourite out of all the ones I've done.

Best wishes,


I saw my practice nurse before I went to South Africa. As a regular traveller, I was already upto date on all vaccinations including tetanus and hep A and B, but had the required yellow fever one for return from Zambia to South Africa this cost about £50.

I was also recommended to take malaria tablets, I found Teso were the cheapest at the time. I was impressed that the pharmacist went through the various malaria tablets available, and talked me through general travel advice. I'm surprised your doctor hasn't been more helpful, most practises these days have a dedicated nurse for travel advice. Also, there is some useful advice on the NHS website. Hope this helps.

PS don't forget to take high strength insect repellant spray and a plug in one for your room.

Hi Shellnortheast,

There are currently no compulsory vaccinations for travel to South Africa however we do strongly recommend that you consult with your General Practitioner or Practice Nurse who will assess your particular health risks before recommending vaccines. This is also a good opportunity to discuss important travel health issues including safe food and water, accidents and insect bites. Many of the problems experienced by travellers cannot be prevented by vaccinations and other preventive measures need to be taken.

I understand this is a puzzling situation, and maybe a fellow traveller may have some advice.

Kindest Regards,


Hi Friends,

I am looking for some advice? I am booked on the south Africa trip in October and have been looking for info regarding vaccinations. So far the doctors have said ask your holiday company. The local chemist said very low risk and said I don't need any Then web pages say possible yes and give a long list. I am a bit unsure of what to do??? What do you guys think? Many thanks Shellnortheast