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I can confirm that tel no 01858 415536 is ok as I have just paid for my Texas & New Orleans tour in May.
I called JY today about another issue and was given this number for customer services and it worked.

01858 415536

I can't seem to find the landline number I have used before to call Just You. If I do, then I will post it on the forum. I only have the 0800 number.


Here here Jaya agree whole heartedly with your comments re firms using premium telephone numbers!
Hello Everybody

There is an ordinary landline number you can get Just You on - I will have a look when I get home and post it on the forum tomorrow. Anything to save a few pennies - nowadays it is 'fashionable' for most of the companies, banks, tax office etc to have highter preimium numbers. I think they should all be banned and we should go back to the days when we could dial a land line number and get straight to a 'lliving' person instead of going through lots of confusing options!



I've Just googled "Just You " telephoned numbers and it comes up with : 01858 415 536. Please note I have not tried it so it could be discontinued now. Hope that helps.


'Ben' wrote:

Good morning,

Thanks for getting in touch, we can be contacted on 0844 567 8844



Thanks Ben. I know this number but my telephone plan does not include 0844 which has an added premium when I use it. That's my reason for asking if there is another number.

HI Ben

I do have a 0800 number, but we better not publish it!!


Ben 12 years ago
Good morning,

Thanks for getting in touch, we can be contacted on 0844 567 8844



Does anyone have another telephone number of JY? My telephone plan only covers 0870 and 0845 numbers not 0844.