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mjc 12 years ago

Can you tell me what the plan is for when we arrive in SF on April 15th?

I would like to book the night time tour for Alcatraz, however the only dates I can find are for the 15th.... They apparently don't run the night time tour all week.

Also, is the dates for the Canyon trip fixed? I would like to do another tour instead of what is offered as it includes all the plane, helicopter, river boat, viewing points and skywalk in one single tour. How would that fit in with the other tours offered on the holiday as I would not want to miss out on anything.



Hi Rosina,

I have contacted our product department who have said that free time in San Francisco will be on Day 2 from 2pm onwards.

Perhaps a few of the community members will share their thoughts on the best times to visit Alcatraz - based on their experiences.

Kind regards


Hi Ben,

I am Going to America Golden West 15th April, I would like to book for Alcatraz, Could you please let me know if I am correct in booking the 17th, but also I would like to know the best time. to fit around any excursions.

