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Thank you all very much for all your lovely messages. Such messages give one strength to carry on and face whatever difficulties life throws at one. Even though I have not met you, I feel you all are my very good friends. I am waiting to hear when they will start the treatment as want to get over it sooner rather than later! At least I know what is to come as had the treatment 18 months ago. Last time I was not able to carry on being an active forum member as I was quite poorly due to the fact it took a very long time before I was diagnosed. At least this time I have more 'flesh' on me so should cope better with the treatment and hope to be an 'active' forum member.

Enjoy the snow.


Hello Jaya,

Glad JY helped you out. To reassure you, my daughter had the same over 20 years ago and has been fine ever since plus producing two grandchildren. The treatment is not pleasant but worthwhile!

'nixon' wrote:


So happy that BEN!!! Sorted you out.....keep us up todate with how things go for take care


Me too!


So happy that BEN!!! Sorted you out.....keep us up todate with how things go for take care


Thank you everybody for your nice messages. I am very positive that I will get through this 'nuisance'! Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Ben. I have already had a call from Just You and I will be refunded the deposit via vouchers which I can use to pay for the replacement holiday. Really appreciate this and can't wait to rebook the trip.

Sheila, sorry to hear that you too had to go through horrible chemo - this is so common nowadays. A few years ago, I hardly knew anyone who had been through this experience, but nowadays I know of so many who has. I am hoping to see you on the Kerala trip in October - will have to see how the treatment goes when it starts.


'Ben' wrote:

Hi Jaya,

Thankyou for sending this over. I have put the wheels in motion, I will be in touch with you in the very near future,



Hi Jaya, I too was extremely sorry to read your post, and know exactly how you feel, having been through horrible chemo etc., myself. I wish you all the best, and still hope to see you on the Kerala trip in October. Sheila xxx

'Jaya' wrote:

Hi Ben

Unfortunately I found out this afternoon that my non hodgkins lymphoma has returned and I need some further treatment, which means that I can't go on my Pyraminds & Nile Cruise with Sharm el Sheikh add on holiday which I was so looking forward to. I still want to go once I have completed the treatment, but when I called Just You I was told that I cannot transfer it to next year and will lose my deposit. I have been on 4 Just You holidays and had two booked for this year - hopefully I will be okay to go to Kerala in October - so am disappointed that Just You is not being a bit flexible under such circumstances. I will be writing to the Head of Customer Care and see what reply I get. I am not asking for my money back, still want to book a holiday with Just You! I was able to get a refund, minus admin charge, from National Express and though Just You too would be a bit flexible. Very annoyed, not about having to go through the horrible treatment again, but having to miss the holiday! When I had to cancel my Costa de la Luz last time when I was first diagnosed, customer services told me I had lost my deposit but when I wrote to the Head of Customer Services once I was strong enough after my treatment I was allowed to use the deposit to book the holiday again so am really hoping that I will be allowed to do so this time. Loss of £214 is quite a big sum.



Very sorry to hear you are poorly Jaya, I always enjoy your posts. Get well soon.


Ben 12 years ago
Hi Jaya,

Thankyou for sending this over. I have put the wheels in motion, I will be in touch with you in the very near future,



Hi Ben

My booking Reference for Egypt trip is ###########. I may have to think about postponing my Kerala trip as well just in case I am not fully fit by October though the consultant thinks I should be. Will keep you posted.

Thank you very much for your help.




I am so very sorry to read this posting from you, I hope that the treatment kicks in and your back to normal!!! ASAP..

Ben I am sure that if things can be sorted your the MAN to do it... Good luck..
