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Ben 12 years ago
Good morning,

Thanks for getting in touch, I have added you to the mailing list, I will send out an email once all the tour details are confirmed,



'Ben' wrote:

Good morning everyone,

Ok Will has has informed me that we do have a WW1 tour proposed for Travelsphere in 2014 but not for Just You as of yet, however this will be put forward to the product teams. I will keep you posted,

Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming :)

I hope this helps,



You can add me to the very interested list. I have been to the Somme and found it very moving and thought provoking, and would be interested in seeing more. My grandfather's brother is on the unknown grave list at Thiepval. A massive monument.

Having just recently visited Thailand and had a very emotional time at the Bridge on the River Kwai, I would also be interested in this kind of trip.

L x

'Ben' wrote:

Good morning everyone,

Ok Will has has informed me that we do have a WW1 tour proposed for Travelsphere in 2014 but not for Just You as of yet, however this will be put forward to the product teams. I will keep you posted,

Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming :)

I hope this helps,



Thanks Ben and Will. I kind of have personal reasons for this one. My Grandma's youngest brother, my Great Uncle was killed in 1917 and was one of the thousands with "no known grave" It was always a big sorrow to my Grandma that they never knew what happened to him. Sadly she died in 1980 but I was able to find out years later that he is commerated on the huge memorial at Arras for those with no known grave. I would love to go to it and pay my respects.

Thanks other folks for your response on this too.

I too would be very interested in this tour if it was offered by Just You.


Ben 12 years ago
Good morning everyone,

Ok Will has has informed me that we do have a WW1 tour proposed for Travelsphere in 2014 but not for Just You as of yet, however this will be put forward to the product teams. I will keep you posted,

Thanks for the suggestions, keep them coming 🙂

I hope this helps,



I would be very very very very interested to have a look at a tour re this My grandfather was in the 1st W W he survived... And what a brilliant suggestion.

Over to WILL!!!!!


Ben 12 years ago
Good morning,

Thanks for getting in touch, I think it's a brill idea, I have forwarded your suggestion onto Will our product manager, if anyone can make it happen, it's Will 🙂



Hi Ben. I guess most folks here know that 2014 is the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. I was wondering if Just You had any plans for a special one off tour to commerate this? I recognise that there are specialist tours out there for the French/Belgian battlefields but none that I am aware of for single travellers. It would be great to see a couple of tours that include the Italian/Austrian front, and also the Dardanelles although I know one of the Turkey tours does stop briefly in Gallipoli.

I would be interested to see if anyone else is interested in this.
