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cw 16 years ago
Thanks Janice and Nixon. Great info on the padlock, really useful for anyone travelling to US. Also Nixon you're absolutely right, if someone wants to get into your case they will padlock or not. But good to know you left unlocked and it was ok.

Many Thanks


I have just travelled form London Gatwick Via Atlanta to Nashville, then Memphs Via Atlanta Back to London Gatwick with Just You, came home 20th March. I left my main case un locked all the way, No problems, if they want to get in to the case they will.
Hi Folks,

If its any help, I was able to buy a padlock in Debenhams for a fiver. USA side have a key to open these particular locks if they feel the need, if they do, the padlock will alert me that it has been opened. It can then be reset using a special key.


cw 17 years ago
Hi Linda

Appreciate your response especially as you have experienced this yourself. Unfortunately to leave the case open would invalidate the insurance if anything gets stolen. I think as my case is a bit tired I will invest in a new one with a TSA approved lock just for peace of mind.

Many Thanks


Hi. I had experience of this on a Golden West trip last year. The whole process was explained clearly to us at the time. The US authorities have the power to randomly search cases after checkin and you are advised to leave them open to avoid damage to the lock. My padlocked case was opened, searched and re locked without damage and a note placed inside informing me that the case had been searched. If you have an expensive case with a built in lock I suggest leaving it unlocked. It really isn't an issue if you know what to expect.
Hi Catherine,

I'm afraid this is one of the security measures which are still in place in the US.

Technically luggage should be left unlocked as US security can open luggage at any time. They usually ask you to open, so your combination case would be fine, but I have heard from the US carriers that they can just open without asking you, and if a bag is locked that does not stop them.

Hope this helps.

Kind regards,

Cheryl, your editor

Hi Catherine,

Many thanks for your query. I've asked the question for you and am awaiting a response, so will let you know when i hear something, hopefully today.

Speak soon,

Cheryl, your editor

cw 17 years ago
Hi Cheryl

I've read that suitcases must be left unlocked for flights to America including the domestic ones. Can you let me know if this is true and if so will my combination lock case be ok to use or will I have to get another suitcase?

Many Thanks
