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'karen wrote:

Hi Olly

I am thinking of booking to go to mauritius in Sept but can I get a connecting flight from Newcastle to Heathrow also is any one else going as all very daunting as my first holiday on my own. And will there be people to help me get around at heathrow and keep me right in where i go for next flight. thanks karen

Hi Karen

I am going on my first holiday on my own to Mauritius on the 11th September so know how you feel. Feel free to get in touch if you decide on this date.


Hi Karen

We should be able to help you with connecting flights from Newcastle to Heathrow, with prices from around £35. The best thing to do is call our customer advisors on 0800 567 7393 - they will know the latest prices and availability.

When you get to Heathrow, you will see your departure gate up on the departure boards. If you aren't sure where to go, ask a member of staff or another passenger where to go. I'm sure they'll be very happy to help. When you get to your departure gate, you'll recognise other Just You customers from their luggage tags, and your tour manager may be there too.

Some of our customers like to meet up at the airport for a meal or a coffee before they fly, and use this website to get in touch. Hopefully a few of them will see this message and say hello.

I'm sure you'll love Mauritus. It's a beautiful island with a very interesting past. And as soon as you meet your group you'll wonder why you were ever worried about the connecting flight.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

Hi Olly

I am thinking of booking to go to mauritius in Sept but can I get a connecting flight from Newcastle to Heathrow also is any one else going as all very daunting as my first holiday on my own. And will there be people to help me get around at heathrow and keep me right in where i go for next flight. thanks karen