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Hi Pam

Your trip is now fully booked with 30 people taking part. Your tour manager will be Cristina Hurduiala.

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

PF1 15 years ago
Thanks Olly,

Have booked hotel for 10th May as I go on the 11th.

How many people now going and do you you know yet who will be the tour manager? Thanks Pam

Hi Pam

We don't arrange hotels for the night before the tour but, as you have heard, we do have a partnership with Holiday Extras.

On the left-hand side of this page you'll see a link for 'Airport hotels and parking'. I entered the date you would be looking for (18 May) and found dozens of options with a wide range of prices. If you can have a look there, I'm sure you'll find something to suit you.

Have a great trip!

Kind regards,

Olly, your editor

PF1 15 years ago
Hi Olly

I have had my letter stating final payment but have not had confirmation of flights from Newcastle to LGW told I will get this with my tickets! Also wanted to stay in LGW night before phoned up and was told to book hotel at holiday extras!! Which hotel? As this is my first single holiday I am not very impressed.

Please enlighten me. Pam


So far 17 people have booked this holiday.

Kind regards

Olly, your editor

PF1 15 years ago
Please could you tell me how many people are booked on this trip so far.